Students and Staff Numbers

Number of Students: Enrollment Capacity, Total Capacity, Current Enrollment, New Students and Graduates

As of May 1, 2023
Faculty/Department Enrollment Capacity Total Capacity Current Enrollment This Year's Enrollment Graduates
Graduate School of Comprehensive Welfare PhD Program in Social Welfare 3 9 11 2 0
Master's Program in Social Welfare 10 20 8 6 2
Master's Program in Psychology for Human Well-Being 20 40 21 11 5
Graduate School of Education Master's Program in Education 10 20 8 5 3
Graduate School Total 43 89 48 24 10

Graduate School of Comprehensive Welfare, Distance Learning Course

Master's Program in Social Welfare,Distance Learning Course 10 20 22 13 9
Master's Program in Psychology for Human Well-Being,Distance Learning Course 10 20 15
Graduate School of Distance Learning Course Total 20 40 37 21 14
Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare Department of Social Welfare 400 1,600 1,574 334 409
Department of Psychology for Human Well-Being 120 480 497 135 125

Department of Public Administration

100 400 427 116 112
Total 620 2,480 2,498 585 646
Faculty of Comprehensive Management Department of Industrial Welfare Management 100 400 431 109 111
Department of Welfare Informatics Management 100 400 428 108 107
Total 200 800 859 217 218
Faculty of Education Department of Education,
Elementary Education Course
210 840 874 220 222
Department of Education,
Secondary Education Course
40 160 171 42 43
Total 250 1,000 1,045 262 265
Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing 80 320 345 90 87
Department of Rehabilitation,
Occupational Therapy Course
40 160 164 41 30
Department of Rehabilitation,
Physical Therapy Course
40 160 183 46 46
Department of Healthcare Management 70 280 320 77 81
Total 230 920 1,012 254 244
Undegraduate Total 1,300 5,200 5,414 1,318 1,373
Course Students, Research Students, Class Auditors 5 5

Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare, Distance Learning Course

Deparment of Social Welfare,
Distance Learning Course
600 2,400 1,434 231 119
Department of Psychology for Human Well-Being,
Distance Learning Course
200 800 678 108 35
Total 800 3,200 2,112 339 154

Distance Learning Course, Course Students

220 130
Graduate School of Distance Learning Course, Course Students  —  —  6 — 
School of Nursing 150 300 265 100 111
Total 2,313 8,829 8,107 1,943 1,662


As of June 1, 2023
  Currently  Constantly Remarks
Executives Directors 13 13 1 Chairmant, 1 Managing Director
Auditors 2 2  
Total 15 15  
Councilors 27 27 Include
Donations 23-1-(3):Chairman、Managing Director
Donations 23-1-(1):Faculty and staff 12
Donations 23-1-(2):Alumni Members 6
Donations 23-1-(4):Academic Esperts 7

Faculty and Staff

As of May 1, 2023
Faculty Full-time 224
Concurrent position 271
Staff 282
Total 777

Number of students per teacher

As of May 1, 2023
Faculty/Department Full-time Faculties Students Number of Students per Teacher
Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare 78 2,498 32.0
Faculty of Comprehensive Management 22 859 39.0
Faculty of Education 50 1,045 20.9
Faculty of Health Sciences 71 1,012 14.2
Graduate School ofComprehensive Welfare 33 (Special instructors) 40 1.2(Number of Students per Special instructor)
Graduate School of Education 20 (Special instructors) 8 0.4(Number of Students per Special instructor)
※Full-time students(excluding Distant Education faculty students)

Admission Capacity Sufficiency Rate

As of May 1, 2023
Faculty/Department Admission Capacity Students Sufficiency rate
Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare Department of Social Welfare 1,600 1,574 98.38
Department of Public Administration 400 497 103.54
Department of Psychology for Human Well-Being 480 427 106.75
Faculty of Comprehensive Management Department of Industrial Welfare Management 400 431 107.75
Department of Welfare Informatics Management 400 428 107.00
Faculty of Education Department of Education,
Elementary Education Course
840 874 104.05
Department of Education,
Secondary Education Course
160 171 106.88
Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing 320 345 107.81
Department of Rehabilitation,
Occupational Therapist Course
160 164 102.50
Department of Rehabilitation,
Physical Therapist Course
160 183 114.38
Department of Healthcare Management 280 320 114.29
Total 5,200 5,414 104.12

Number of Teachers by Age

As of April 1, 2023
Age Males Females Total
Under 20 years old 0 0 0
20?29 years old 2 0 2
30?39 years old 12 10 22
40?49 years old 31 22 53
50?59 years old 47 30 77
60?69 years old 50 20 70
over 70 years old 0 0 0
Total 142 82 224

Number of Teachers by Position

As of April 1, 2023
Position Males Females Total
Professor 67 20 87
Associate Professor 45 34 79
Lecture 17 10 27
Assistant Professor 11 14 25
Assistant 2 4 6
Total 142 82 224

Ratio of Full-time Faculty and Concurrent Teachers

As of April 1, 2023
  Full-time Faculty Concurrent  Total
Number of teachers 224 271 495
Ratio 45.3% 54.7% 100.00%

Number of Degrees Granted/Awards Rate

As of May 1, 2023
Faculty/Department Students Number of Degrees Award Ratio
Graduate School of Comprehensive Welfare PhD Program in Social Welfare 4 0 0.00
Master's Program in Social Welfare 3 2 66.67
Master's Program in Psychology for Human Well-Being 6 5 83.33
Graduate School of Education Master's Program in Education 3 3 100.00
Graduate School Total 16 10 62.50

Graduate School of Comprehensive Welfare, Distance Learning Course

Master's Program in Social Welfare 11 9 81.82
Master's Program in Psychology for Human Well-Being 7 5 71.43
Graduate School of Distance Learning Course Total 18 14 77.78
Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare Department of Social Welfare 458 409 89.30
Department of Psychology for Human Well-Being 134 125 93.28
Department of Public  Administration 116 112 96.55
Faculty of Comprehensive Management Department of Industrial Welfare Management 123 111 90.24
Department of Welfare Informatics Management 119 107 89.92
Faculty of Education Department of Education,
Elementary Education Course
229 222 96.94
Department of Education,
Secondary Education Course
49 43 87.76
Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing 90 87 96.67
Department of Rehabilitation,
Occupational Therapist Course
36 30 83.33
Department of Rehabilitation,
Physical Therapist Course
47 46 97.87
Department of Healthcare Management 84 81 96.43
Total 1,485 1,373 92.46

Enrollment trends

As of May 1, 2023
Faculty/Department Enrollment 
Number of Students Enrolled
2020 2021 2022 2023
Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare Department of Social Welfare 400 419 402 404 334
Department of Psychology for Human Well-Being 120 125 122 121 135
Department of Public Administration 100 103 101 103 116
Faculty of Comprehensive Management Department of Industrial Welfare Management 100 107 100 103 109
Department of Welfare Informatics Management 100 108 104 104 108
Faculty of Education Department of Education,
Elementary Education Course
210 228 213 213 220
Department of Education,
Secondary Education Course
40 42 41 42 42
Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing 80 82 86 86 90
Department of Rehabilitation,
Occupational Therapist Course
40 41 42 42 41
Department of Rehabilitation,
Physical Therapist Course
40 49 45 48 46
Department of Healthcare Management 70 86 86 73 77
Total 1,300 1,390 1,342 1,339 1,318
Graduate School of Comprehensive Welfare PhD Program in Social Welfare 3 0 0 5 2
Master's Program in Social Welfare 10 6 2 3 6
Master's Program in Psychology for Human Well-Being 20 9 7 9 11
Graduate School of Education Master's Program in Education 10 4 3 3 5
Total 43 19 12 20 24

Graduate School of Comprehensive Welfare, Distance Learning Course

Master's Program in Social Welfare 10 18 4 8 13
Master's Program in Psychology for Human Well-Being 10 3 5 6 8
Total 20 21 9 14 21

Number of dropped out/Expelled/Dropout rate

As of May 1, 2023. Percentage is the dropout rate related to number of students in 2022
Faculty/Department(2022) 1year 2year 3year 4year Total
Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare Department of Social Welfare 3 7 5 18 33
0.74% 1.75% 1.20% 3.93% 1.97%
Department of Psychology for Human Well-Being 4 2 2 8
3.36% 1.68% 1.49% 1.62%
Department of Public Administration 1 1
0.86% 0.24%
Faculty of Comprehensive Management Department of Industrial Welfare Management 2 1 3 6
2.02% 0.93% 2.44% 1.39%
Department of Welfare Informatics Management 1 1 2 6 10
0.96% 0.94% 1.83% 5.04% 2.28%
Faculty of Education Department of Education,
Elementary Education Course
1 2 2 5
0.47% 0.88% 0.87% 0.57%
Department of Education,
Secondary Education Course
2 2
4.08% 1.16%
Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing 1 1
1.20% 0.29%
Department of Rehabilitation,
Occupational Therapist Course
2 1 1 4
4.76% 2.44% 2.78% 2.53%
Department of Rehabilitation,
Physical Therapist Course
2 2
4.65% 1.08%
Department of Healthcare Management 1 1 1 3
1.37% 1.18% 1.19% 0.92%
Total 7 19 14 35 75
0.52% 1.43% 1.02% 2.36% 1.36%
Graduate School of Comprehensive Welfare PhD Program in Social Welfare
Master's Program in Social Welfare 1 1 2
33.33% 33.33% 33.33%
Master's Program in Psychology for Human Well-Being
Graduate School of Education Master's Program in Education
Total 8 20 14 35 77
0.59% 1.49% 1.01% 2.36% 1.38%

Retention Students

As of May 1, 2023
Faculty/Department 1year 2year 3year 4year Total
Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare Department of Social Welfare  1   2 35 38
Department of Psychology for Human Well-Being     2 2 7 11
Department of Public Administration       3 3
Faculty of Comprehensive Management Department of Industrial Welfare Management    2   10 12
Department of Welfare Informatics Management      2 6 8
Faculty of Education Department of Education,
Elementary Education Course
   1     6 7
Department of Education,
Secondary Education Course
       4 4
Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing       4 4
Department of Rehabilitation,
Occupational Therapist Course
        5 5
Department of Rehabilitation,
Physical Therapist Course
        1 1
Department of Healthcare Management    1    3 4
Total 1 6 6 84 97

Number of Adult Students

As of May 1, 2023
Faculty/Department 1year 2year 3year 4year Total
Faculty of Comprehensive Welfare Department of Social Welfare     1  1  2
Department of Psychology for Human Well-Being          
Department of Public Administration          
Faculty of Comprehensive Management Department of Industrial Welfare Management          
Department of Welfare Informatics Management          
Faculty of Education Department of Education,
Elementary Education Course
Department of Education,
Secondary Education Course
      1  1
Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nursing     3
Department of Rehabilitation,
Occupational Therapist Course
Department of Rehabilitation,
Physical Therapist Course
Department of Healthcare Management          
Total 1 2 1 2 6

Number of International Students and Number of Students study abroad

As of May 1, 2023
International Students Graduate School 3
Undegraduate 11
Research Students 1
Exchange Students 19
Short Term Exchange Students 0
Students study abroad Study abroad?Short term programs 18
Overseas Internship Students 1
Exchange students *
*Due to the influence of COVID-19, the receiving and sending of students and faculties are suspended
If you have any inquiries concerning foreign students or number of students sent abroad, please, contact the International Relations office (tel. 022-301-1296)